DSU Wizard (RFC-126)
A period when the community can review the RFC (comment Docs).
Document Maintainers: Andi Gabriel Tan 2022. List of other contributors in Annex. 1.
Copyright: MIT license
Copyright © 2018-2022 Axiologic Research and Contributors.
This document is licensed under MIT license.
- Abstract
- 1.DSU Wizard Domain Begin Transaction
- 2. DSU Wizard Domain Finish Transaction
- 3. DSU Wizard addFile
- 4. DSU Wizard Copy Folder
- 5. DSU Wizard Mount DSU
- 6. DSU Wizard SetKeySSI
- Annex 1. Contributors
The DSU Wizard offers a series of operations that can allow execution context or atomic commands to be wrapped into a transaction that can be executed at a chosen time. The transaction can be built over time as well as its execution.
1.DSU Wizard Domain Begin Transaction
Instantiate a transaction handled by the transaction manager. We use the returned transactionId to access the transaction to add commands, customize the execution context and execute it. The transactionId represents the session identifier.
POST /dsu-wizard/{domain}/begin
1.1. Path Parameters
Name | Type | Value | Description |
domain | string | *required | The domain on which the transaction is instantiated. |
1.2. Responses
Status Code | Description |
200 | Return the transactionId of the instantiated transaction. Schema: plain/text Example: 340e887f5964a33e436a86511e573d20 |
404 | DSU wizard component is not enabled. |
500 | Instantiating the transaction encountered an error. |
2. DSU Wizard Domain Finish Transaction
Execute the transaction identified by the provided transactionId, by setting the execution context and executing the commands associated with this transaction in the invoked order. After the execution is completed, the result of the transaction will be returned.
POST /dsu-wizard/{domain}/build/{transactionId}
2.1. Path Parameters
Name | Type | Value | Description |
domain | string | *required | The domain on which the transaction is executed. |
transactionId | string | *required | The transaction Id which is executed. |
2.2. Responses
Status Code | Description |
200 | Return the transaction result, the keySSI in base58 of the updated/created DSU. Schema: plain/text Example: PPnBCCJoTpzrUJ1fHix85HQhWca6h39xVdm4hdQA2o1oFbaRm6TnQSY3KoQgViypburV39xn vWRKQ95j1fVu4Z1WRt4wzwFx5. |
404 | The DSU Wizard component is not enabled. |
500 | Error executing the transaction. Returns the encountered error. |
3. DSU Wizard addFile
Add the addFile command to an already existing transaction identified by the provided transaction identifier (transactionId). The command will store the file with the content provided in the body, to the specified path in the DSU identified by the execution context.
POST /dsu-wizard/{domain}/addFile/{transactionId}
3.1. Path Parameters
Name | Type | Value | Description |
domain | string | *required | The domain on which the addFile command should be executed. |
transactionId | string | *required | The transactionId context in which the command should be executed. |
3.2. Request Headers
Name | Type | Value | Description |
x-dossier-path | string | *request | The file path under which the file will be uploaded in the DSU. |
3.3. Body Parameters
Name | Type | Value | Description |
body | application/octet-stream (binary). |
3.4. Responses
Status Code | Description |
200 | The command was added to the transaction successfully. |
404 | The DSU Wizard component is not enabled. |
500 | Error adding the command to the transaction. |
4. DSU Wizard Copy Folder
Add the copy command in the context of the transaction identified by the transactionId. The command will copy the contents from the source folder into the destination folder using the DSU provided by the execution context.
POST /dsu-wizard/{domain}/copy/{transactionId}
4.1. Path Parameters
Name | Type | Value | Description |
domain | string | *required | The domain on which the copy command should be executed. |
transactionId | string | *required | The transaction Id context in which the command should be executed. |
4.2. Request Headers
Name | Type | Value | Description |
x-src-path | string | *required | The source path, in the context of the DSU, for the copy command. |
x-dest-path | string | *required | The destination path, in the context of the DSU, where the contents from the source will be copied. |
4.3. Responses
Status Code | Description |
200 | The command was added to the transaction successfully. |
404 | The DSU Wizard component is not enabled. |
500 | Error adding the command to the transaction. |
5. DSU Wizard Mount DSU
Add the mount command in the context of the transaction identified by the transactionId. The command will mount the DSU in a specific path using the provided KeySSI.
POST /dsu-wizard/{domain}/mount/{transactionId}
5.1. Path Parameters
Name | Type | Value | Description |
domain | string | *required | The domain on which the mount should be executed. |
transactionId | string | *required | The transaction Id context in which the command should be executed. |
5.2. Request Headers
Name | Type | Value | Description |
x-mount-path | string | *required | The path where the DSU will be mounted. |
x-mounted-dossier-seed | string | *required | The keySSI in base58 format, used to mount the DSU. |
5.3. Responses
Status Code | Description |
200 | The command was added to the transaction successfully. |
404 | The DSU Wizard component is not enabled. |
500 | Error adding the command to the transaction. |
6. DSU Wizard SetKeySSI
Add the setKeySSI command in the context of the transaction identified by the transactionId. The command will update the transaction context with the provided KeySSI. We execute at the invocation moment to ensure the execution context of all commands loaded in the transaction will be the same.
POST /dsu-wizard/{domain}/setKeySSI/{transactionId}
6.1. Path Parameters
Name | Type | Value | Description |
domain | string | *required | The domain on which the setKeySSI should be executed. |
transactionId | string | *required | The transaction Id context in which the command should be executed. |
6.2. Request Headers
Name | Type | Value | Description |
x-force-dsu-create | boolean | *required | The path where the DSU will be mounted. |
6.3. Body Parameters
Name | Type | Value | Description |
body | string | *required | keySSI base 58 encoding. Example: PPnBCCJoTpzrUJ1fHix85HQhWca6h39xVdm4hdQA2o1oFbaRm6TnQSY3 KoQgViypburV39xnvWRKQ95j1fVu4Z1WRt4wzwFx5. |
6.4. Responses
Status Code | Description |
200 | The command was added to the transaction successfully. |
404 | The DSU Wizard component is not enabled. |
500 | Error adding the command to the transaction. |
Axiologic Research: New content and improvements. Original texts under PharmaLedger Association and Novartis funding. MIT licensed content accordingly with the contracts. Publish and maintain the www.opendsu.org site.
PharmaLedger Project: Review, feedback, observations, new content, and corrections MIT licensed accordingly with the consortium agreements.
- PrivateSky Research Project: MIT licensed content accordingly with the contracts. https://profs.info.uaic.ro/~ads/PrivateSky/
Annex 1. Contributors
Current Editors | |
Sînică Alboaie | sinica.alboaie@axiologic.net |
Rafael Mastaleru | rafael@rms.ro |
Nicoleta Mihalache | nicoleta@axiologic.net |
Teodor Lupu | teodor@axiologic.net |
Contributors Axiologic Research | |
Adrian Ganga | adrian@axiologic.net |
Andi-Gabriel Țan | andi@axiologic.net |
Cosmin Ursache | cosmin@axiologic.net |
Daniel Sava | daniel@axiologic.net |
Nicoleta Mihalache | nicoleta@axiologic.net |
Teodor Lupu | teodor@axiologic.net |
Valentin Gérard | valentin@axiologic.net |
PrivateSky Contributors | |
Alex Sofronie | alsofronie@gmail.com(DPO) |
Cosmin Ursache | cos.ursache@gmail.com(UAIC) |
Daniel Sava | sava.dumitru.daniel@gmail.com(HVS, AQS) |
Daniel Visoiu | visoiu.daniel.g@gmail.com(SGiant) |
Lenuța Alboaie | lalboaie@gmail.com(UAIC) |
Rafael Mastaleru | rafael@rms.ro(RMS) |
Sînică Alboaie | salboaie@gmail.com(UAIC) |
Vlad Balmos | vlad.balmos@gmail.com(Code932) |
PharmaLedger | |
Ana Balan | bam@rms.ro (RMS) |
Rafael Mastaleru | raf@rms.ro (RMS) |